The Blood of the Democratic Republic of Congo

This zine aims to help shed light on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The population is exposed to major health and public health issues, the mining of resources, aggravated by the effects of climate change. The populations of the East are victims of this material misery, corruption, and massacres that force them to find refuge elsewhere.

I invite you to discover the zine and share it with those around you to help me make visible these realities that have persisted for too long.

ANGE MADE : Author of the Zine

Luanda Rutsuba Confucius : Representative of Zine in Goma DR Congo

Journalist reporter *Goma infos plus grands lacs magazine press of the East of the DRC. Director of operations of a television channel of the province of North Kivu named MISHAPI VOICE TV and General Manager of the printing house Goma infos +. Deputy coordinator of the NGO Ange made foundation in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Interfederal President of the party ''Parti d'union Républicaine''PIR '' in acronym.
